
Wednesday, January 25, 2017

Cabin Fever

 When your dog is a better model than your kid....
 He loves watching his big sister Elsie play fetch.
 Preparing to throw the ball for Elsie... pure focus.
 About to throw..
 His face while Elsie chases the ball... pure joy!
 My happy little boy.
 He was so glad to be out of the house!
 100% boy. He spent about 5 minutes searching for sticks in our yard.
 My baby girl. I know I'm prejudice, but I think she's just the prettiest.
 His after playtime treat... Definitely my kid!

And then of course he didn't want to go in... but naptime was calling his name.
The weather these days has been not so nice. It's January, yet we have zero snow, and if you know anything about me, you know this leaves me on the verge of depression. I think I've decided we need to move about 8 hours north. (Did you hear that John? Start job searching!) It has been cold, but just not cold enough for a blanket of white, rather this lovely weather has left us with a damp, nasty haze. Absolutely, positively gross!

I don't mind staying in, cuddling on the couch, drinking some Starbucks, and watching a movie. But my little boy can only stand that for exactly 5 minutes these days and then he's whining to do something different. Pretty sure, he's sick and tired of being trapped inside with his approximately 500 new toys he got for Christmas... Life is rough when you're one people.  So rough.

Yesterday, I had just had enough of the whining. So on went the hat, the gloves, the jacket, and out we went.

And he had a ball.

I didn't even have to entertain him. He was happy as can be running, jumping and tripping all over our backyard. It was so nice to see a smile on my little boy's face.

Monday, January 23, 2017

Motherhood Is...



Motherhood Is...
Pretending to sleep through your baby crying at 2am so your husband has to get out of bed and you don’t.

Waiting in the Starbucks drive-thru for 30 minutes to get a $5 drink because you NEED it and it’s not worth it to get your kid out of their car seat to go inside where there’s no line…

Making a healthy lunch for your kid: Pb&J on whole wheat, a banana, and a yogurt. Meanwhile, you eat a donut.

Driving down random country roads for an hour so your baby sleeps for 10 minutes…

Changing from sweatpants and a T-Shirt to leggings and a flannel and calling it “getting dressed”

Waiting all day to put your kid to bed because you’ve had enough, but then 2 minutes after you put them to bed  you stare at pictures of them on your phone for an hour…

Walking around Target for an hour by yourself to get 3 things, because it feels like a mini vacation. Oh and you also end up buying 20 things…  

Planning to be productive during naptime, but you sit on your phone for 2 hours instead

Planning your kids outfit a week in advance, meanwhile you throw on the same outfit you wore the day before and spray on a little perfume…

Memorizing Frozen word for word because well, you’ve seen it 500 times

Taking 100 photos of your kid and getting 2 that are actually decent

Calling sleeping till 7 “sleeping in”

Calling the 5 times you walked up and down the stairs carrying your 25 lb child your workout for the day

Putting your kid to bed an hour late because you need them to sleep in.. Meanwhile they wake up an hour early

Hearing phantom baby cries randomly throughout the day and having a mini panic attack each time

Getting locked out of your phone because you gave it to your kid to play with so they would be quiet for 2 minutes

Keeping your Christmas tree up until the end of January, because who has time to take that thing down

Driving 2 miles down the road and then remembering the 5 things you forgot to bring, turn around, get said 5 things, pull out of the driveway and remembering 2 more things you need..

Forgetting to eat lunch but remembering Starbucks lattes are buy one get one free… and then you drink both

Having a part time job because you need a break from your actual job which is being a mom

Washing the same load of laundry 3 times because you keep forgetting about it for days at a time

Squeezing 5 more diapers in the diaper genie after it’s actually full… and then regretting it

Saying hello to your kid but forgetting to say hello to your husband

Recording your kid while they are screaming using the snapchat deer filter, because it sounds hilarious

Having 409840984098 pictures on your phone and they are all important so you can't delete them to make room for more pictures

But most importantly, motherhood is...

A Blessing
A Privilege






Forever a work in progress

The most awesome experience there is and I wouldn't trade any of it for the whole darn world.