
Thursday, September 20, 2018

Mabel's Story

As I stare at the blank screen, my mind doesn’t know where to begin. I’ve been hesitant to write it all down. Scared I won’t do her story justice. I wish I could remember every detail of it all. And as much as I tried to live so much in the moment those first few days, I look back and I feel like it just flew by and is all a big blur in my mind. A big, wonderful, stressful, miraculous blur.

In a video John took just moments after Mabel was born. We were laying there, skin to skin. The moment I had been dreaming of for months and months. I was just staring off into space, in literal heaven while he documented the moment. The moment we were meeting our sweet baby girl. He said, as I looked up and laughed, “Here’s mama and Mabel Ruth. Relaxing, after a very short end of pregnancy,… that felt like it was never going to come.” And those words couldn’t sum up her story any more perfectly….

For months and months we waited… Waited to see the positive test. Sometimes I feel silly saying it. I know many people wait years. But I refuse to make light of those months of waiting. They were hard. With each passing month and each negative test my heart broke. I knew when we started a family I wanted children, plural. I loved having sisters and I wanted to give my children siblings to grown up with. We waited a little while after having Luca to “not care” as we say. I needed to time to fully heal, have a moment of not breastfeeding. But all I really needed was a “moment” and I was ready for number two. My giant son was no longer a “baby” and I was ready to give him a sibling. I figured after a month or two of “not caring” we’d be pregnant and on our way to a big happy family. And I had every reason to assume it would be easy. My first two pregnancies (one miscarriage, then Luca) were, let’s just say, not expected ;) So if we were actually trying this time, of course we would get pregnant! Well, those thoughts couldn’t have been more wrong. And with each month that passed my heart hurt worse, my mind started wandering to those evil thoughts of “something must be wrong with me…” Each month meant a bigger gap between Luca and his little brother or sister. I was heartbroken. I felt like everyone around me was getting pregnant, having babies, and there we were praying, trying, hoping, and each month, nothing.

August 2017 was another one of those months. We were on vacation and I couldn’t even enjoy myself. My period was due in a few days and all I could think about was if I was pregnant or not. And then on the last day of our trip it came. And I cried. Hard. Tears streamed down my face as I told John that yet another month was passing by and even he (the emotionless robot as I like to call him) was upset. It just didn’t make sense to us. I spent the rest of the day, crying on and off just sitting in a chair. Everyone else was fishing, swimming, enjoying their vacation, but I just couldn’t. I was heartbroken.

After a couple days, once my emotions settled back down I realized, I needed to step back. Here I was every single month worrying way too much about something I really had no control over. Even though those months were so so hard on me I learned a very valuable lesson through it all. We don’t make our babies… God does.

That next month I decided to just free my mind from it all. I stopped looking at the calendar, stopped stressing about “timing”, stopped worrying and gave it all to God. And without going into TMI amounts of detail, there was a very small chance that I was pregnant that month. John had just had knee surgery. Life was crazy. I was single parenting my wild toddler all while trying to help John with whatever he needed since he couldn’t get around. The busyness was almost a good thing now looking back. My mind was completely free of pregnancy thoughts, because I thought it wasn’t possible that I could be.

But then, I was a day late. Could I be? No way, I didn’t “feel” pregnant at all. But I was scared. So scared to take a test and be heartbroken yet again. I had one test left from the multiple tests I had bought those previous months. Should I take it? I was so so scared.

Saturday morning, September 9th   I woke up. And something inside me said to just take it. Even if it said “not pregnant” at least I could be at peace and know. I told John I was going to and went to the bathroom. It was a digital test so it wasn’t going to show the results for a couple minutes. So I set the test on the bathroom counter and hopped back in bed. I was literally shaking I was so nervous. I think something inside me just knew, but I couldn’t let myself believe it. Those two minutes felt like hours but the time came to go back to the bathroom and check. I walked out of our bedroom only to find Luca reaching up with his sweet, little chubby hands toward the test. Why he was interested in it, or how he knew it was up there I have no idea, but it was perfect. My little boy handed me the test. The pregnancy test that told us his new little sibling was growing in my belly. And then I read the word. That one single word.


I hurried back to the bedroom, tears streaming down my face. I covered my mouth in disbelief and told John. “I’m pregnant.” And I ran to him. We hugged. Time stopped. I could not stop crying. I couldn’t believe it. All the months of waiting, hoping, dreaming and just like that it was over and they were worth it all.  Not many moments top that one in my life. God’s timing is perfection. He made this baby exactly when He wanted to. And it was the exact right time for us.
One day of absolute bliss, and then reality hit, hard. Those first weeks of pregnancy are rough, for many reasons. The nausea I can handle, but the thought of miscarrying again will always weigh heavy on my heart those first precious weeks, no matter how many times I experience pregnancy. I got in to see my Doctor as quickly as I could so he could check my HCG and progesterone levels. My progesterone was low with Luca’s pregnancy and I think it could have been the cause of my first pregnancy’s miscarriage as well. So of course I wanted to know if it was low again so I could start taking the pills to raise it back up. My doctor could clearly see the worry in my eyes as the nurse drew my blood that day, and he wrote me a prescription right then and there for the progesterone so I could start taking it asap. Because taking it, even if my levels were normal was not going to hurt the baby, but it would calm my mind and ease my anxious heart. I can’t thank God enough for my doctor. So I started taking it and thank goodness I did, because my levels were slightly low. But now my mind could be at ease that I was doing everything I possibly could to keep my baby safe in my belly and it was just a waiting game. A sick, tired, nauseous waiting game.

I won’t go into detail about all the months of my pregnancy, but what I will say is they were hard. It was a good thing I had wanted this baby so bad, because I was not dealt an easy pregnancy whatsoever. Nausea from pregnancy, two stomach flus unrelated to the pregnancy, approximately 5 colds, no weight gain until almost the third trimester due to all the sickness,  a husband who travelled close to two months while all this sickness was happening, and a two year old who was just as sick as I was the entire time if not worse. And this still just scratches the surface of all I persevered through to finally meet my baby. It was not easy, but I made it and kept myself and my baby healthy in the process. I am very very thankful.


Now, moving on to the good stuff, the really really sweet, heavenly, finally meeting that baby who was growing for 9 months in my belly, good stuff!

From the moment I found out I was pregnant, I told myself to not dwell so much on the ending, the birth. But to just enjoy every moment of being pregnant and carrying this new life. With Luca’s pregnancy, all I thought about was the end. And I got my hopes up very high for an early delivery that ended up being late and so not what I expected. So this time around, I just kept it in my mind that if I go past my due date, it is all fine. Pregnancy feels so long while you’re in it, but just like that, in one single moment, it’s over forever. So enjoy it while you can, as best you can.

So at my 35 week check-up when my doctor told me I was at 1 cm and the baby was already dropped I didn’t get too excited. He said he thought I would go early, but I didn’t dwell on those words whatsoever. This is what my body does apparently… starts getting ready ahead of schedule only to slack off in the coming weeks ;) And that’s just what happened…

36 weeks, no change
37 weeks, no change

38 weeks, 2 centimeters… wahoo a whole wopping centimeter for 3 weeks of misery!

I kept a smile on my face all of those last few weeks. “I’ll miss this. I’ll want this back.” I kept telling myself. It felt like a lie, but of course now it’s true.

Then came my 39 week check-up…

May 14th, 3:00pm, 39 weeks 3 days

John never comes to my appointments unless it’s one of the important ultrasounds, but I made him come to this last one. Being as I was so close to the end, I wanted him there if the doctor and I had to make any important decisions regarding the birth.

Good decision.

First off, I was at 4 cm with a bulging bag. Hallelujah! My doctor was pretty impressed as I had not been having many contractions at home. Just lots of pressure. Girlfriend was LOW!

Next came the ultrasound. My doctor does ultrasounds Every. Single. Appointment. It’s amazing. And I’m so thankful for it, as I am a worrier through and through. So seeing my baby every few weeks is such a blessing. But also challenging, as we don’t find out gender… no peeking while he measures the legs ;)

It’s usually quick. Everything looks healthy. Measure the baby (She always measured just barely under average). Done.

But this time, I noticed him taking longer.  Checking. Re-checking. And he was being pretty quiet. My doctor is not quiet…

He looked at us calmly, as I’m sure he could tell that we could tell something was up…

“Before I say anything, I want you to know I’M NOT WORRIED.” He said.



I was waiting for the, “but”


Here we go, gulp!

“The cord is right by the neck”

I know my eyes got huge. He asked me if the baby’s movement had felt “normal” the past week. I told him yes.


I don’t know how many times he said this to comfort my anxious looking self…

The cord was not wrapped around the baby’s neck, but it was right under the chin. This meant a couple things. If I didn’t go into labor soon, the baby could move and it might get wrapped around. Second, my doctor was worried about the position of it at the moment. It could potentially stay right under the chin during delivery and block the baby’s air supply when they are born.

Now babies are born with the cord wrapped around their neck all the time. Usually everything turns out okay. My doctor was being extra cautious. He wanted us to be aware, but that’s why he kept repeating…


He didn’t make us do anything. He told us that we could wait for me to start labor naturally and everything would most likely be fine. And according to this appointment, it looked like labor was already slowly starting. It was just a matter of hours/day(s). We didn’t really know. He said if we took that option, to really pay close attention to movement and make sure the baby was still active as usual.

However, if we wanted to play it safe, he could break my water early the next morning. That way we knew the cord-issue wouldn’t get worse. I was already practically in labor anyway. My doctor said there was a good chance I would start full on labor that night or tomorrow. So this would just insure to get things moving. Tuesday was his surgery day, so he would be there all day and be able to check on the baby and be right there if the cord situation happened to get worse.  All we had to do was show up as early as we wanted and he would just break my water and we’d see what happened from there.

He told us to think about it. Pray about it. We didn’t even have to make a decision right there. Since he would already be at the hospital in the morning, he said he’d reserve us a room and if we were a go for him breaking my water, we just needed to show up. And he said in the mean-time to take a super long walk. Labor might just start up on its own that evening.

He then left the room as John and I looked at each other. So many thoughts were zooming through my head. Of course I was a bit anxious about the cord issue. I knew everything was going to be okay, but any issue while pregnant is never fun. At the same time, I was excited. Butterflies literally filled my stomach at the thought of meeting my baby in less than a day.

It was a pretty easy decision for us. Better safe than sorry. We planned to show up at the hospital by 6 am.

I did not go into this pregnancy thinking at all that I would end up getting induced. I wasn’t for Luca, so why would I be the second time around? But if I’m being honest. I really liked it. I liked knowing, being prepared. Especially since we have a little one already! It made dropping him off at grandmas and getting to the hospital so much less stressful than if I’d have been in full on labor during it all.

So we left Luca at my parents that evening and headed home to get ready and get some sleep.

But holy moly, how do you sleep? It felt like I was 8 years old again and tomorrow was Christmas morning. Except 100x better. I got a bit of rest, but let me tell you. I’ve never had an easier time waking up at 4 in the morning in my entire life…

So obviously, I did not go into full on labor that night like my doctor thought I could have. But I was extra crampy all night long and woke up with some spotting. So things were definitely progressing! Yay!

A little after 5am we headed to the hospital. Again, just like Luca’s birth. It all felt way to chill. I’ve always pictured labor and heading to the hospital as this super dramatic, painful experience where you’re screaming and running red lights. But I’m so glad both times it has not been like that!

We walked into the hospital. Got checked in. Got our room. I got hooked up to everything. They drew my blood what felt like 100 times. Yada yada.

Around 7:30am my doctor showed up. Here we go!

He checked to see if I had dilated anymore. I was at 4.5cm. So only half a centimeter more than I was at my appointment the previous day. I honestly thought with all my cramping it might have been more, but I wasn’t too worried. He was going to break my water and of course things would progress from there. I mean, I was almost halfway and not even in full on labor…

Never assume, Alyssa. NEVER assume…

I was numb when my water broke with Luca. So I never felt what that was like. Well, Weirdest. Feeling. Ever.
A slight pop and then gush. And it just keeps coming. I always thought your water just broke and that was the end of it. But it was a never ending stream of feeling like you’re peeing yourself but you’re not. TMI? Sorry… It’s a birth story.

So now it was just a waiting game. Contractions started within a half hour of my water breaking and they were about 5 minutes apart and not crazy intense.

I knew going into my labor this time that I didn’t want to just sit the whole time. I did with Luca and It was so boring. I was a big maybe about getting an epidural again. My plan was to just roll with what I felt like, and if labor was taking forever I might go for it to give my body a break, but if it started moving I might try without. I have no birth plan whatsoever. Never know if that’s a good or bad thing... So while contractions were tolerable I walked. John and I did about 100 laps around the Labor and Delivery Unit. Slow and steady, all while wearing a diaper because yep, my water was still leaking all over. Most of my contractions I could even walk through.  A few I stopped. They were still about 5 minutes apart. Some were 2-3. It felt slow. Too easy.

I asked for a ball to sit on and I bounced through a few contractions. At this point it was almost lunchtime.  To be honest, I was almost proud of myself. The entire time I assumed I was in full on labor and taking these contractions that were coming like a champ. I assumed the next time my doctor checked me I would have progressed at least some. It was slow, but at least it was easy.

Well, around 1:00pm the big reality check came. My doctor and nurse came in our room and I could tell they knew this wasn’t going as planned.

“You’re smiling too much” my nurse told me. “We’ll check you, but I don’t think much has happened”

“Really!?” I said. This entire time I figured I was being this big, awesome champ about contractions. Tough girl… but I definitely wasn’t. Yea, I was in labor, but barely. My body was not getting the message.

“You’re still at 4.5” my doctor said frustratingly.

And that’s the moment I almost cried…

WHY??!!! Why does my body never do what it’s supposed to? I was so frustrated. Almost angry.

Since I came to the hospital almost halfway, ahem, stretched, I figured by lunchtime I’d have a baby.

Big fat nope!

And I knew what this meant. I waited to hear the dreaded words…

“If you’re okay with it, I want to give you some Pitocin…”

NOOOOOO… All I’ve ever heard about Pitocin is awful, painful, don’t do it, literal hell. I didn’t want it. But my water was broken, and I wanted a baby by at least the end of the day. So of course I said yes. No question, but I was so scared… and for good reason.  

I remember giving John the most pitiful looks I could muster. I knew the second that IV went in, the pain that I thought I was handling so well (haha) was really going to amp up. And guess what… it did! Duh…

Within minutes I went from a period like contraction, to feeling like my body was being torn in half. Literally. I couldn’t believe how intense it got so quickly.

I remember thinking.. “Is this what women who don’t get epidurals endure for hours!?” After probably 3 contractions I told the nurse I wanted the epidural. Whimp much? It was going to take about half an hour before I got it, and with pain like this and the rate my body was going I figured this was going to be a long haul of torture, so why not? I’m not super woman. Give me the drugs…

I remember within minutes of getting that IV just feeling completely defeated. I went from super slow, barely anything contractions and my body doing nothing to, HELLO! And feeling like a certain area of my body was being ripped in half.  

The nurse ordered the epidural and then she came in with this giant peanut shaped object. She put me on my side and positioned it between my legs and told me that doing so would help the baby drop and get things moving even quicker. Again, with the rate everything had been going, it was safe to assume we had a long way to go. ..

From that moment on is an absolute blur. We’re still talking minutes since the Pitocin started. It was crazy. Probably one contraction later and John could tell I was in some serious pain. He came over and held my hand as I squeezed his with all my might. I was feeling traumatized by the pain. Literally zero to one hundred. I think I’m usually a pretty tough person, but the thought of waiting an entire half an hour for the epidural to come had me pretty much ready to pass out. I didn’t know how I was going to do it. I remember feeling like the absolute biggest wimp in the world…

Another contraction came. This was probably contraction 8 or 9 since the Pitocin and I remember moaning out loud as I repeated the “Our Father” prayer in my head over and over to distract my mind. That’s when I thought I felt the baby’s head…

No way, I’m just being a wimp. Apparently this is labor and I’m a big baby I told myself. And I let the contraction pass without saying anything to John, who was the only one in the room at this point. Because remember, this labor is going to take ages so why would anyone be in the room….

The next contraction came and I felt it again, and my body naturally started pushing the baby out! All I remember is telling John, “I think the baby is coming, get the nurse!”

Pretty sure he thought I was nuts… and he had every right to assume so. We were maybe half an hour from when the Pitocin started. I had maybe 10 contractions total. I’m not exactly sure. But it was definitely not a lot…

He was being super slow (probably not “super”, but when a baby is coming out of your body, every second feels like an hour). And in typical. “the johnner” style he didn’t freak out whatsoever. Then he couldn’t find the remote to call the nurse…!  So while I was feeling like the baby was literally coming out of my body, I had to help him search for it… he finally found it. Again probably 10-15 seconds later, but it felt like eternity!

He pressed the call button. The nurse answered. And calmly, oh so calmly. I can still hear him saying the words in my head now …

“Hey, could we get a nurse in here?”

Seriously, no panic in his voice whatsoever!! So my husband. SOOOOO my surfer dude, chill as can be in every situation, husband. I totally thought he didn’t believe me. Here I was trying to literally hold this baby inside of me because no doctor or nurse was in the room! My body arching in the worst pain I’ve ever experienced in my life, and calmly he says ‘Could we get a nurse?” He didn’t even indicate to them that I was feeling like the baby was coming out! He will never ever live that moment down. Ever. *eye roll*

The nurse came in as I was having another contraction. All I kept saying was “I think the baby is coming!” I literally had no idea what was going on… how was this happening so fast. Am I being a wimp? I was delirious. In pain. So confused.

I was still on my side. The nurse took the giant peanut away from between my legs and her eyes got wide.

“SHE’S CROWNING! She’s crowing!  Call the doctor.”

And just like that tons of people rushed into the room. They flipped me onto my back. I honestly don’t remember specifics here. My eyes were closed and I could barely process what was happening.

I had another contraction and my body was automatically forcing me to push. But the nurses were telling me to pant through it and to hold off. At the time I was like, are you nuts!? But I know now that they wanted the baby to come slower so I didn’t tear horribly and so my doctor could actually get there in time!”

“[the doctor] is running!” I remember the nurse saying.

And by the time I was contracting next my doctor was there.

I can see his smile now. I don’t think he could believe how fast it happened too!

“I think this baby will be here on the next push!”

And just like that. Contraction. My body pushed and I let it. Oh the pressure you feel when that baby is about to come out. It literally feels like your body is being torn in two.

How am I going to survive this!? How is this real? I was literally just given the Pitocin!?

“Look at your baby! Look at your baby!” I could hear the nurse telling me…

And in that moment I opened my eyes and saw the most perfect little head of dark hair. The little head that grew inside me for those long, nine months.

And in that moment all the pain, all the pressure…


What a release it was.  

My baby was here. Oh how I’ve waited  for you!

They laid my newest babe on my chest. What are you? Who are you? My mind was running a million miles a minute. Trying to process everything that had happened in just those few short minutes.

That next moment felt like an eternity. I didn’t want it to end. Truly one of the most incredible moments of my life.  

I could not tell, boy or girl, because the legs were in the way when the doctor laid my new baby on my chest. And for that split second that I couldn’t tell, somehow I already knew. Even John told me later, he knew too before he truly saw and before anyone said anything.

“It’s a girl.” I thought. I just knew. Don’t ask me how. I think I truly knew my entire pregnancy I just wouldn’t let myself believe it. And just a millisecond later John and my doctor confirmed what I already knew in my heart and soul. Mabel, my precious daughter, you were meant to be mine and I was meant to be yours.  


Then her legs moved. It was true.

I looked at John in absolute shock! We were both shocked.

A girl… We have a girl! Oh my goodness. Is this real?

My doctor asked her name.. “Mabel” And he said that she was the first “Mabel” he had ever delivered.

Mabel Ruth Genau. Our daughter. Mabel because we just loved it. Ruth because she is the 4th generation with the middle name 'Ruth'.

I held her as long as I could before they took her away to weigh and measure her. Touching her little fingers, smelling that newborn goodness, in awe that I had a second baby with a head full of dark hair. I don’t remember really basking in those first few moments with Luca because the experience was so new and I didn’t know what to expect. But with her, I let time just go. I took pictures in my head because I never wanted to forget a thing. The days my babies were born were truly the best days of my life!

She was 7 lbs 4 oz and 20 inches long. Almost a whole pound smaller than her brother! It wasn’t a shock though. I was smaller throughout her pregnancy and she always measured smaller too. My little peanut.

They gave her back to me and we laid skin to skin for a couple of hours that felt like minutes. Cuddling, nursing, crying tears of joy. Absolute heaven.

I don't remember anything that was going on around me those couple hours. It was just me and her. I still can't believe I get to say "her".

The one thing I do remember though, is the nurse taking out my IV and saying, "Wow, your body likes Pitocin!"

Yea, I guess so... Never again!
“Here’s mama and Mabel Ruth, relaxing after a very short end of pregnancy, that felt like it was never going to come.”

Oh how true those words were!

Mabel girl. How we waited for you. Months and months of negative test after negative test. Tears of frustration and confusion and not understanding why. I got pregnant so easily the first two times. Too easily. Why did God make us wait?

But of course, I understand it all now. He was making us wait for you. You, sweet girl, were the one meant for our family. Made in August, born in May. Any other month, it would not have been you. God made you, in His perfect time, in His perfect way. You were worth every tear, every nauseous spell, every hard moment, every day of waiting. And at approximately 1:20pm on May 15th 2018, God knew we had waited long enough and decided it was time for you to join us earth side. You came quickly, intensely, but easily, completely opposite of how I pictured. After all, everything about your story had been hard and slow. But just minutes later, at 1:50pm you were laid on my chest. And my life was forever changed x2. You were here. Safe and sound. Glory be to GOD!
I love you sweet girl. I will never stop thanking God for giving you to our family. Thank you for being ours, forever.