
Monday, August 22, 2016

Vacation And Luca's 10 Month Update

So I’m only writing this a week and a half after I meant to… It’s cool, it’s cool. But that’s life when you have a 10 month old boy. NON STOP! If I can get more than 5 seconds to myself these days I’m in heaven. I’m currently writing this during naptime. The time of day when I normally try to do that whole one load of laundry or clean the 50 dishes piled up in my sink, but whatever, those things can wait. I like this better. I’m sitting. Starbucks in hand. Let’s do this.
So a week and a half ago we were on a lovely family vacation. My parents recently bought a cabin at the dead end of a gravel road, on a lake, in the middle of nowhere, north woods Wisconsin. One of my favorite places on this earth. It was so nice to just spend time with family for a whole week with the only worries in our lives being: who’s going to catch the biggest fish, and should we go get ice cream today? Vacation at it’s very best. (Oh and my talented husband caught the biggest fish! 10+ lb northern pike FTW!)
There was just one little reality check that I had to get over starting day one.
That is. Vacationing with a baby is not the same as vacationing without a baby. Repeat, NOT THE SAME. Those 6:30 AM wake up calls.. Still there! Scheduling every event around naps and nursing sessions. Yep! That thing I mentioned earlier about not being able to sit for more than 5 seconds.. multiply that by 10 because the cabin is tiny and deep water is dangerous. There was also that 8 hour car ride. Oh and sleeping in a portable crib in mommy and daddy’s room. I now remember why I made sure my newborn slept in his own room early on! Every roll, every sigh, every moan.. my mommy ears heard! Props to the moms who can sleep with their babies right next to them. I don’t know how you do it!
So let’s just say day one was a little rough. One hour of screaming for his afternoon nap later and I was in tears. Thank you grandpa for staying in the cabin with Luca while I tried to ignore the wails and moans coming from the baby monitor as I laid on a floaty in the middle of the lake. Thankfully it only took the one day for Luca to get used to the portable crib and the rest of vacation he napped like an angel baby.
It was all a good lesson learned for me. Yes, the tears were flowin’ day one, but I learned that even on vacation I need to lay aside my wants for my child. I WANTED this child and he is a gift from God! Once that set in, vacation was a blast! Watching Luca go on the boat, splash in the lake, and eat all my ice cream was a ball. My husband, mom, and dad also gave me a few much needed breaks every once in a while so I could tan on a floaty or go fishing. Thank you all!
So, while we were there my Luca turned 10 months old! We hit the double digits people! It’s crazy to think that in less than 2 months I will have a one year old. Where has the time gone? Sometimes I look at his newborn pictures and I’m sad that my baby is no longer a baby, but mostly I’m excited.  Excited to see what the future has in store for him. Every day I’m getting a better glimpse of his personality and I love it! He’s such a loving baby, but he’s also funny, playful, and ENERGETIC… Seriously, his switch gets turned to “on” at 6:30 am and it’s non-stop moving until bed time! Sure, we get a couple naps in here and there, but they are usually forced and greeted with some crying before he gives in to that ever so lovely 45 minutes of my day when I get to shower and make my bed. It’s tough a lot of days… make that most days. I’ve had to learn that it’s ok if I can’t see the floor of my family room because it’s covered in a million toys and pillows. Or, it’s ok if it takes me an entire day to do 2 loads of laundry. To be honest some days I’m not okay with it and the minute John comes home I beg him to take Luca outside so I can mad dash clean for 10 minutes. I’m a total surface cleaner these days. I don’t dare look under my couch EVER… hello dust bunnies and probably the 100 pacifiers we’ve lost recently… (Seriously though. Pacifiers = the new bobby pins. I buy 20 and within a day we have one left.  I don’t know where they go, but my goodness I swear those things have legs.)
This month, Luca learned to give kisses. Sweetest thing ever! He also learned how to completely stand up on his own without holding onto anything and halfway through the month he took his first step! … Why am I cursed!?! I thought firstborns were supposed to be all cautious and do everything late because they don’t have an example older sibling to look up to? Well in the Genau household, that is not a thing! Luca has done everything early. Don’t get me wrong, I’m a proud mommy, but when I see other 9/10 month olds happy to sit for minutes on end and play with one toy or be content to have their mom hold them through an entire church service, I’m like.. What is wrong with my kid!?! I know, nothing is wrong. He’s just absolutely 100% a boy and God’s perfect little masterpiece. So trust me when I say, I’m joking. But if God blesses us with more children in the future, I really really hope at least one of them is content to stay a baby for a little while longer.
Luca’s favorites this month include, being outside, reading, climbing stairs, dancing, when daddy throws him in the air, puffs (duh!), and we have discovered pouches. His favorite and my favorite! He can feed himself and mommy can actually sit down and enjoy a meal at the same time. Win, win!  He also really discovered his love of ice cream this month… I mean we were in Wisconsin! If he spots anyone with an ice cream cone in hand he will crawl up to them and whine until they share. It’s like we have another dog… Luca’s dislikes this month were pretty typical for a 9 month old.. Stranger danger pretty much sums that up. New people are not ok and nurseries are not fun. We did learn how to survive the nursery at the ice rink this month though! I can teach for an hour and leave him in the nursery if he is in his own stroller, in front of the TV, with about ½ a can of puffs on his tray. It’s amazing. No tears whatsoever!
Overall it was a very fun month! And now that were almost halfway through 10 months old (oops) it’s only getting better! As much as I jokingly complain about not being able to do anything anymore, I wouldn’t trade this stage of life for the world. However, I’m still looking forward to the day when I can go down to the basement to switch the laundry without it being a marathon sprint up and down the stairs only to be greeted by Luca’s hand shoved in his mouth while sitting next to Elsie’s food bowl. That will be nice…
Eating a leaf...
Being a stud...
 It's tradition in our family to get a "Hayward" shirt every year. This is his first one.
Best family picture out of 5...

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