
Sunday, October 16, 2016

Luca's "Trendy" Jungle Party

Over a week ago now, we had a small, little family get together to celebrate our little boy turning ONE year old! A jungle themed birthday party for our crazy monkey of a son. Of course, designer me could not just throw him a "typical" jungle party. It had to be different. Hello Pinterest. Hello jungle meets metallic! It turned out super cute! Thank you to all the family who helped bring my vision to life! And a special thank you to my brother-in-law Kyle who brought me and my sister Starbucks and went out to the store approximately 540320392 times to get all the last minute stuff I forgot <3
The Spread

 A closer look at the cake and metallic animals. Found these in the toy section of Wal-Mart for $1, spray painted them with left-over gold paint from our wedding and Voila!

The Cake Pops! Tried my hardest to make them look like zebra and tiger stripes..

 Party, party party! Had to have one of those trendy gold balloons. Streamers done by Kyle and Laura. They are pros. We also had a slideshow gong of Luca's first year. Only 500 pictures... And that's not even close to all of the pictures I've taken..

Luca's one year old facts board. I spent way too long writing this out, but it turned out just how I wanted so I don't even care.

Trying to take pictures of a one-year old... impossible! He would not stand still! Hence.. I'm in the picture..

Another attempt. Luca, "Mom, why are you making me wear these ridiculous socks!?"
*Side note: I am totally in love with Luca's birthday outfit. I found the shirt and overalls on Etsy. The fox socks are from Etsy too and I just adore them!!

Eating his mini cake.

The inside of Luca's birthday cake. Not the best picture (sorry it's a little messy)! But I tried my hardest to make the inside of Luca's cake look like a zebra! I think it turned out pretty well!

Wednesday, October 12, 2016

Luca's Birth Story: Part III

That feeling. Knowing that soon you will be holding the baby you’ve been carrying for 9 months in your arms. Indescribable.

Sitting in the passenger’s seat while John drove, oh so calmly, to the hospital felt like a dream. The best dream ever.

I don’t remember much, other than thinking, “wow, if these are contractions, this doesn’t feel so bad” (haha, haha, haha) But seriously, in the car, my contractions eased up a ton. They were more like 10-15 minutes apart and not even as bad as a period cramp. I was a little concerned that we were going to the hospital only to be sent home, but I kept my hopes up as high as I could, yet still low enough that if we got sent home I wouldn’t be a sobbing mess again. And hey, at least I knew tomorrow I was most likely getting induced no matter what… and this was a good sign that I just might be able to have this baby on my own, or at least no C-Section! Oh please, oh please, oh please!

So we got to the hospital and had no idea where to go…

You know how first time parents are supposed to be all prepared. Take a bunch of classes. Get a tour of the hospital, etc.. Yeahh, we didn’t do any of that… No real reason, other than we were probably just a little bit lazy, combined with the horror stories my nurse sister told me of all the over-prepared parents whose labor went horribly wrong. So we decided to be the opposite. Preparation level: Zero.

So John, again oh so calmly, drove around the hospital. And in the end we decided our best bet was just to go to the ER. We parked right in front of it, John walked in to make sure this was okay to do, I got a thumbs up, he went to actually park the car and I walked in. Super pregnant. Super chill.

“Aren’t all the ladies in the movies like screaming hysterically. Am I doing this wrong?” Seriously though. That’s what I thought…

I stood at the counter. Gave them my info. John walked in carrying our 500 bags. Then they made me sit in a wheelchair…

“Do I have to?” I felt like an idiot. My contractions still weren’t super bad. I could totally walk to Labor and Delivery. But nope. I had to. It was so weird.

And it felt like forever. I think the ER and L&D were on opposite sides of the hospital.

When we finally made it, I gave the nurses my info and explained to them what I had been feeling. Then one of the nurses asked if this was our first?


Crazy look, followed by, “Normally, we don’t have first time parents come to the hospital this soon. I don’t know why the nurse on the phone told you to come so fast.”

Uhhhhhh… What!?

“We might have to send you home for a few hours to finish early labor at home.”

Uhhhhhh…. No. It’s almost midnight. And my contractions were close an hour ago! Put me in a hospital bed. I’m not going home for 2 hours just to hop in the car and come back…

 *I was thinking all this. I didn’t actually say it…

Then they asked me who my OB was. I told them…

“Oh, it looks like he has you scheduled to come in for an induction tomorrow at 5.”

Yes, yes he does! So no matter what I’m coming back anyway. Please don’t make me leave!

The nurses looked at each other… “Let’s take you to a room and see where you’re at.”

They didn’t sound too hopeful. I think I was getting off on pity, but I did not care one bit…

So they gave us a room. I put on a hospital gown. This was too good to be true. Oh how I hoped my contractions would pick up again and that I would be dilated!

They hooked me up to the machine to measure the contractions and the baby’s heartrate. And there I sat. Watching. Waiting. Please line, MOVE! And it was. A little. I was definitely having contractions. But I could barely feel them.

Wow, this is labor!? This isn’t so bad.. Ha!

Then, slowly, I started to feel them again. And the line was getting a little higher with each one. The nurse came in to check me. This was the real test. Come on body, please be doing what you’re supposed to be doing!

“Oh wow, you’re at 3 cm!”

Yes!!!! I. was. Elated.

“Looks like you can stick around.”

I was on cloud nine. Come on contractions. Keep on keepin’ on.

But pretty quickly my hopes reversed. I stopped wishing for contractions and contrarily wished for longer breaks in between them. Seriously, after the nursed checked me, the contractions started again in full force! They quickly turned from 5-10 minutes apart to 2-3 minutes apart, and we had only been at the hospital an hour or so at this point.

And now I know why the ladies are screaming in the movies… I think I did a pretty good job of holding it together. Ask John though, I may be making things up. But I never screamed, I don’t think I cried. I just spent a lot of time heavy breathing and staring at that screen praying for the line to go down and stay down.

“Are you getting an epidural?” the nurse asked.

If you would have asked me a month before, I would have told the nurse no… I hadn’t closed my mind to it completely, but I wanted so badly to try and experience the whole process naturally. Not so I could boast to the world that I had a natural labor and delivery, but because I wanted to feel it all. Every contraction, every push, every pain, every ounce of every feeling that existed while bringing my baby into the world. And I explained that to my OB. But at one of my final appointments he told me that I was going to want it. My baby was big and I was going to really want it. So I should open my mind to it now and be okay with it.

I respect my OB a ton. And I believed him whole-heartedly. If he thought it was a good idea, I would listen to him… I didn’t want to at first, but I can honestly say now I am so glad I did!

So when the nurse asked me, I said Yes! And since I was going to get it for sure, my thought was, give it to me as soon as you can. No sense in wasting time being in pain when I can be pain-free and resting.

She said I could get the epidural once I reached 5 cm. And at 3 am I was there! I was a little nervous about having a giant needle shoved into my back, but I just hugged a pillow and prayed and it was over before I knew it. And it literally felt like a pinch compared to those contractions that had been so close for the past 3 hours…

Ahhhhhhhh! It kicked in pretty quick and I was finally able to rest. And John did too. That cocktail had really made him sleepy… It was the wrong night for a drink hun!

So we slept.. Well, John slept. I closed my eyes and tried, but I was just too dang excited about the fact that I was meeting my baby in a few short hours and I could not fully commit to the shut-eye. So I laid there, watching the line go up and down. And I wasn’t feeling a thing! Best decision ever.

At one point, I started feeling the contractions again, so they gave me a boost of the epidural. Holy moly, talk about heaven. After that, I couldn’t even move my legs. Weirdest feeling on earth, but I was thankful for it.

So I laid there. Daydreaming about my little one that I would soon be holding in my arms. Boy or girl? I was so excited to find out.

My contractions continued on. And the baby’s heartrate was steady, perfect. All that worry about how and when this baby was going to arrive and here I was, in labor all on my own! Grateful doesn’t even begin to describe how I was feeling. God is good.

Around 10am the next morning the nurse was checking me again and that’s when my water finally broke! And I was numb. So I never got to feel what that feels like, but I’m not too worried about it…

And I was at 9 cm! Finally! That meant my Dr. was going to be there soon! I can so vividly remember him walking through that door. I was literally beaming. So proud. “I did it! ALL on my own!”

“Yes, and you are really pushing out these contractions. You are going to have this baby very soon” he said.

We did some practice pushes. And again, no class, zero preparedness. I had no idea what I was doing. But he said I did excellent and now it was just a waiting game to get to 10.

Man oh man, that last centimeter felt like forever. All night long every time they checked me there was change, but the last couple hours it seemed to slow down. I don’t think it actually did, I was just tired from being up all night and so so anxious to meet my baby!

Around 12:00 my epidural started to wear off again. And it was too late to give me another boost. But I was at 10 cm!

“It’s a little early for you to start pushing. I’d like the baby to drop more, but since the epidural is wearing off, we’re going to have you start. It might mean you are going to have to push a little longer, but hopefully that’s not the case.”

I was so excited. It was time! I didn’t even care about the fact that I might be pushing for a while. I get to start pushing!! This was the final stage. Baby I can’t wait to meet you!

At this point, I was very thankful for the epidural, because I was starting to feel the contractions again. There I was, no sleep all night, having been in labor for over 15 hours. I couldn’t imagine having to deal with the pain of those contractions that entire time and now have the energy to push!

But to be honest it worked out perfect. I was a little nervous about pushing while being completely numb… Because how do you know if you’re pushing right? I could feel every contraction now and I knew when I needed to be pushing. My Dr. had me do three, ten-second pushes each contraction. My made up technique was push pretty hard on the first two, and then give it everything I had on the last one. And it worked. My doctor couldn’t believe how fast the baby was coming. Especially since we started pushing early.

I was exhausted. But all I could keep thinking about was the fact that in probably minutes I was going to meet my baby. I was going to find out if my baby is a boy or a girl. I was going to find out if I was meeting Luca or Felicity (The two names we had picked). I kept repeating them in my head, over and over. It helped me get through those final pushes that were so incredibly hard.

I don’t know if this has happened to anyone else, but during my final minutes of pushing I was experiencing the most horrible heartburn. So bad, I was eating Tums in between pushing…

“You can see the head! There’s a ton of hair! And it’s dark!” John said.. And I threw my head back and laughed… What!? I’m supposed to have all bald children… But then, I was also supposed to have a C-Section. And here I was. God knew what he was doing. This was his plan. And I was just along for the ride.

Contraction, push 1, push 2, push 3 and I pushed with all of my heart and strength. And then it happened. The head was out and the next contraction my Dr. would guide out the body. All I had to do was push a little and then keep breathing.

Time Stopped. The moment was here. All those months of waiting and dreaming of the moment I get to meet my child and here I was. It was happening.

One final push and then breathe. Breathe. Breathe. And then I saw him. My baby. MY baby. The doctor held him up and I heard John say the words I’d been waiting to hear….

“It’s a boy!”

And I cried.
A flood of emotion swept through my entire body. I have a son. He is my son. I am a mommy.
“And what is HIS name?” My doctor asked…

“Luca… Luca John”
Then my doctor handed him to me. So tiny. So fragile. The most perfect little being I had ever laid my eyes on. I laid him across my chest as the tears rolled down my cheeks. I don’t even remember how long we laid there. My son and I. Time had completely stopped. I was in heaven.

When I finally came back down to earth I really really looked at him. He was so beautiful. Can a boy be beautiful? Then, I remembered all those appointments. The measuring, the worrying…

He does not look huge. In fact he looks tiny. And I asked the nurse to weigh him. I wanted to know so bad.

I handed him to her and my doctor guessed Luca's weight… “8 pounds 1 ounce.”

I laughed. “Wasn’t he supposed to be a giant?”

“Oh, those measurements aren’t always super accurate. And I always measure large.”

Thanks… Thanks for telling me that… wow! And I rolled my eyes.

The nurse put him on the scale… 8 pounds 1 ounce!

My doctor was exactly right. Man was he good. But I guess he’s had a lot of practice…
And again I say… All those crazy thoughts and all those crazy plans in my head, pointless. All along I had expected a huge baby, 9+ pounds, and completely bald. But Luca, he was completely average in size and his hair. His HAIR! It was dark, long. The nurse had to wash it and comb it! Who was this child? He was nothing at all like I had imagined. He was better. He was God’s design. And he was perfect. Perfectly made in His image. And perfectly made for me.

Looking back on my labor and delivery, all I can think about was how perfectly it went. All the worry. All the fears. All the tears. Thinking I was going to have him early. Thinking I would have to be induced.  Thinking I was going to need a C-Section. Thinking there was no possible way I was going to have this baby on my own. And there I was. 16 hours of labor and approximately 40 minutes of pushing later and I was holding my baby. My son. My little Luca John.

After reflecting on Luca’s birth story, my mind immediately goes to one of my favorite scriptures. Matthew 6:27 “And who of you by being worried can add a single hour to his life?” I had worried. I had been anxious. And all of that worrying did me no good. Worrying about when Luca was going to enter this world was utterly pointless. God knew when he was going to arrive. God had a perfect plan. Nothing I did or thought made any difference at all.  

Through all of this, God truly taught me about patience and trust. I did not want to wait for my baby that extra week, but I did and I made it. I thought I knew how everything was going to go and what my baby was going to look like, but I am only a human and I was wrong. It was God’s plan to have me go into labor the day before my induction. It was God’s plan that my baby weighed only 8 pounds, and it was God’s plan that my baby have a head full of hair. Small things to most people, but huge in my mind. Those things were God’s way of telling me… You may think you know it all, but just remember, I am in control...

Luca, I love you, more than words can describe. Happy First Birthday, my son.

Tuesday, October 11, 2016

Luca's Birth Story: Part II

Part II of III. Yes it's wordy, yes it's long, and probably way to detailed. But how can it not be when you're documenting the precious story of how your child entered this world...
"I have prayed for this child, and the Lord has granted me what I asked of him." 1 Samuel 1:27
Photo by: Today Everlasting Photography

So there I was… 39 ½ weeks pregnant. Hormonal. Exhausted… (Because for the last month I had not gotten more than 3 hours of straight sleep due to a huge baby whose huge head was sitting directly on my bladder and I, just like I’m sure every other pregnant woman out there, had HORRIBLE heartburn that kept my up at night.) So let’s just say I was not in the state of mind to be making such a huge decision.

I felt like I had a little angel and a little devil on each shoulder. You know, like you see in the movies? One was telling me, “You’re tired, you’re done, just have a C-Section tonight and be done with it! You want to meet this baby don’t you!?” The other, “You are strong. It’s only 1 week out of your whole life. The baby is not ready to come yet. Give it time. Be patient.”

I was literally sweating. Upset. Anxious.  

I looked at John with the most pitiful look I could muster, but I could tell he wanted me to wait.

I did Not want to.

But I did.

Eyes watering, I walked out of the Ultra-sound room. I went to the front desk and made an appointment a week from then… October 12th. Are you kidding me? I was supposed to have this baby days ago and here I am making an appointment for mid October!

*Side note: I forgot to mention earlier that my initial due date according to my cycle was September 29th. But after our first early scan at 8 weeks, my Dr. told me the baby was measuring at 6 ½ weeks and changed my due date to October 9th. So keep in mind during all of this that I actually felt like I was 41 weeks pregnant. I know were talking days here, but to a pregnant lady a week and a half is a long time!

I almost felt embarrassed. Why was my body not doing what it was supposed to!? Why…

John and I got in the car and I broke down in tears. And they did not stop. We stopped by my parent’s on the way home and I remember feeling angry as we walked through their door.

“He (The dr.) is making me wait. I have to wait a whole ‘nother week!” I told my mom and then plopped down in the living room and I cried and cried and cried…

Thinking back, it’s kind of embarrassing how I acted. Ok.. A lot embarrassing! But I was upset. For the past month I was told I was going to have this baby early and here it was, October 5th, almost my due date and my body was acting like I wasn’t even close..

I don’t even remember getting up from that chair. I must have eventually. We went home and I think I just went to bed.

I woke up the next morning, still upset, but in a much more rational state of mind. Any other time in my life I would be loving this. I had a week, A WHOLE WEEK of nothing to do. I wasn’t working anymore. I had no responsibilities other than keep the house in order and get ready for a baby. I can do this. But it felt like torture…

So I kept myself as busy as I could. Fixing up the nursery, visiting my family, sleeping, watching every daily talk show known to man, cuddling with my dog… Rough life..

But in my mind, it was. All I could keep thinking about was the fact that I was basically sitting there, waiting to have a C-Section, when I could have had one days ago and be holding my baby right then and there.

I can so vividly remember going to church on the 11th … Two days after my due date. Everyone asking me, “Why are you still here?” “Where’s the baby?” Again, I felt embarrassed, and horrible me didn’t even want to go to church that morning because I knew I would get asked those questions over and over. Not okay…

This is the point in the story where it is so evident that I am a sinner in need of God’s grace. And deep down I knew how I was feeling was wrong, but I didn’t even care. I just wanted my baby and I wanted him or her now!

John and I came home from church and decided to have a relaxing day. My appointment was at 11 o’clock the next morning and it was almost a guarantee that we would be going to the hospital soon after that.   So we just wanted to spend time with each other, resting and preparing for the crazy, exciting days ahead of us!

Around 8:00 pm we decided to put in a movie. We had been re-watching the Bourne movies and were on the last one, The Bourne Ultimatum. John and I have a joke about this movie… I’ve watched it multiple times and I have seen the entire movie, but never straight through. I always fall asleep at some point and a couple times I’ve woken up to see the end. Just something about that movie, I cannot make it through…. And to this day that still holds true…

Well, at about 9:00 o’clock I went to the bathroom… woohoo, made it a whole hour! While I was in the bathroom I noticed some spotting… My. Heart. Dropped. Was this a labor sign? I had read it could be. Oh please, oh please, oh please. I went back to the couch, told John, and kept on watching the movie… That’s when they started. I was getting what felt like nothing more than period cramps. They would last for less than a minute and go away. Then come back 10 or so minutes later… Were these contractions!? I had no idea what to expect them to feel like. Like I said earlier, I had only experienced a couple what I think were Braxton Hicks Contractions earlier in my pregnancy. And those didn’t hurt, it just felt like my entire stomach was tight and hard like a rock.

After I experienced a few of these “cramps” I told John I was going to go upstairs and lay on our bed. He was like “Ok..” And continued to watch the movie while drinking his cocktail he made for himself, so that he would get a good night’s sleep that night to prepare him for the next day… HA! HA! HA!

So there I laid. I-phone in hand, timing these, what I hoped with all my heart were contractions. I still have the note in my phone..

10:33 (small)

They were close right from the get-go! Not as painful as I expected, but it was early. So I was questioning myself. Is this real? Am I just overreacting? “John!?! What should I do!?!”

We decided it would be best to call the nurse. So around 11:00pm I did. I explained everything to her and to my surprise she said we should head right to the hospital! What!?!?!

It was the end of the day. My hair looked like crap, my make-up was half gone. I wasn’t ready for this!

Just like a week ago, I had it all planned. I was going to get up, shower (shave my legs, haha) curl my hair perfect so it would look good for a couple days, do my make-up… Can you tell I was way too worried about the non-essentials. Always planning, planning, planning, but my Creator had a different plan… And that was… You’re having a baby right now. Get in the car. It’s time to go!

So I re-did my make-up as fast as I could, while John packed himself up. Not my best work of art in the world! Also, all that planning and packing bags ahead of time, and we forgot to pack a bag for John… hence he was mad dash packing!! Learned that lesson for the next time around… He barely had anything at the hospital for himself…

And just like that we were in the car, on the way to the hospital, to have OUR BABY! I still couldn’t believe it. I kept second guessing it. Trying not to get my hopes up. But it was real. I was in labor. I was going to meet my baby very very soon…

Monday, October 10, 2016

Luca's Birth Story: Part I

A whole year later, and I am  just now writing this, but I want to remember it as best I can. One of the best days of my life! I wrote a short version in Luca’s baby book, but it just doesn’t do it justice. So here is the long version. Probably the very long version. Not sorry at all....

I’m going to start this story at the doctor’s office when I was 36 weeks pregnant. A routine check-up. Weight, Blood Pressure, Ultra-sound, measure the baby (and remember, I did not know the gender!). “You’ve got a big baby.” Every Appointment, my OB would scare me half to death. Jokingly, but in all seriousness. He would measure the spine, the legs, the belly. Always in the 80-90th percentile. And the head, don’t even get me started on the head… Always at least the 90th percentile. I was so scared. “How on earth am I ever going to bounce back from this… Can I just have this baby now? Please I beg you” Of course I couldn’t be induced at 36 weeks, but my doctor did say since my baby was measuring so large I would probably have he/she early and if I didn’t naturally, he would most likely induce me a week early. “Ok, ok so October 2nd. That’s the latest I’ll go.” (My due date was October 9th). So from that moment on I had it in my head that no way on earth was I going to have this baby later than October 2nd… He also checked to see if I was dilated at all. And I was… 1cm!  Not much, but still a good sign. No doubt in my mind. This baby was coming early!... Boy was I in for the biggest let down of my life…

Fast Forward to the 37 week checkup… Finally full term! First words out of my mouth at the appointment, “You can induce me now right?” My Dr. laughed. Ultrasound. Measure the baby. “Holy Moly this kid is a giant.” Check to see if I’m dilated… No change.

38 week appointment… Doctor: “It’s looking like your baby weighs over 8 pounds already!” Me: “Why am I cursed!? Induce me already!” Doctor: “Let’s wait one more week.” Checked to see if I’m dilated… No change. The doctor said be active and walk a lot. Try to get labor started.

I was bound and determined. That week John and I went to the Morris Corn Fest three times! It was hot..  And every time we went, we walked what felt like 10 miles. I think I maybe had one Braxton hicks contraction on the last day we were there. The second of 2 I ever got my entire pregnancy… Later that week I painted our master bedroom, almost all by myself! (John helped too, but I did the majority) I was standing on chairs, on my hands and knees.. Talk about a labor inducer.. Ha, nope!

So then came the 39 week appointment. October 5th, 3 days after I thought this baby was going to be out! I had it all planned in my head. John was getting off work early to come to the appointment with me. I did my hair and make-up all cute because of course my doctor was going to send me to the hospital right away to get induced, and I HAD to look good during labor. (Cause that’s the biggest priority when it comes to the whole process.. wow! Ha!) Bags had been packed since week 37, so we were all good there. I took some bump shots because these were going to be the last ones I ever took. John got home from work and off to the doctor’s office we went…

Talk about excitement. I was so ready. I was going to have this baby tonight or tomorrow, for sure!

We were the last appointment of the day. Doctor walks in, happy as can be. “You’re next on my list! Let’s see where we’re at!” Ultrasound: HUGE! And I mean measuring over 9 lbs huge! I legit almost cried. I remember picturing my baby as this chubby, bald kid (because I was a bald baby. Who cares that John had lots of hair as a baby. All our kids in my mind were going to be bald.. ha!) with rolls on rolls and an abnormally huge head. Kind of Michelin Man-ish, just bigger head. I remember telling myself “Every mom thinks their baby is cute, don’t worry…” I was worried.

Next up.. check to see if I was dilated anymore. In my head: “Of course I will be. I walked a marathon and painted a huge bedroom this week.  We’re all good.” Checked. 1.5 cm.. so basically no change. Now the tears did start flowing. I knew what that meant…

In the simplest terms I can use.. My doctor wanted my body to be a little more ready before he induced me. He explained ever so thoughtfully to us that if he tried to induce me that night I would probably end up needing a C-section. Now he told us if I was just really done he could call the hospital and I could either A. Try to be induced with probably no results and then C-Section tomorrow. B. He could just do a C-Section tonight. Or another option would be C. Wait one more week and then no matter what I will be induced, but hopefully my body will have progressed more by then.

Of course in my crazy, 39 ½ weeks pregnant, hormonal state of mind I wanted either A. or B. But then my doctor continued to explain that since I hadn’t progressed really at all on my own, if I ended up with a C-section, I would probably end up having C-Sections with all of my children, because my body will not know how to start labor…

“Are you kidding me!?” This is not what I wanted, at all!

He then continued to tell me that, after seeing how big the baby was measuring and again, “simple terms” how small I was measuring, I should probably prepare myself for what was most likely going to end up a C-Section no matter what. Basically, he didn’t think the baby was going to fit…

Obviously, he wanted to try to see if I could do it, but I should prepare my heart and mind for a very different scenario than I had thought these past 39 ½ weeks…

My heart was broken… Literally I felt like someone had just taken a knife to my chest. I was crying, sweating, overwhelmed.

Both John and the Doctor were encouraging me to wait it out another week because of that small chance that I could do it on my own. But of course I, all caught up in emotions thought, “If I’m going to end up with a C-Section no matter what, why wait? End my misery, please.”

I can so vividly picture that moment in time: John and my doctor both looking at me waiting for my decision.

What was I going to do? I was so torn. This is not what I wanted.

Little did I know, God had a plan. A perfect, beautiful plan for how my little Luca John was going to come into this world. And this was just Him setting the stage. It was God’s way of telling me, “You may think you know it all, but remember, I am in control.”

Tuesday, October 4, 2016

Hello Blog. I Didn't Forget About You.

So I’ve been a lazy blogger.

Scratch that, a really lazy blogger.

You know that post I did when I first started this blog. I said “It’s going to be a casual thing.” Ha! I got that right.

I’m sure you all have noticed the trend. Luca’s 7 month update: Posted on the 12th! Luca’s 8 month update: Posted on the 12th. Luca’s 9 month update: A couple days late, but not too shabby. Luca’s 10 month update: Over a week late. Luca’s 11 month update: Non-existent.

What can I say? Other than I’m a mom to a crazy boy who doesn’t stop moving unless he’s in his crib sleeping. And I cannot do anything on my computer while he’s awake, because just like every other baby born in the past few years, he is already addicted to technology and will not leave me alone until his hands are banging on this keyboard.

Also, speaking of lazy…

When I started this blog, I totally meant for it to be, yes, mostly a “mommy blog” with the occasional design or baking post. But it was definitely meant to be more than just talking about my kid each month… He likes this, he hates that, he crawls, he walks… But what can I say? Just like every other mom out there I’m obsessed with my kid and think he’s the coolest, so of course I’m going to talk about him, a lot…

Well, I skipped 11 months, and PSA, once October 12th is here, I have a 1 year old! Not a 12 month old and then a 13 month old. A ONE year old.. No more month updates…. I’ve gotta start being creative with this.

So this is me saying I haven’t forgotten about this blog. I’m going to try to be better. I want to. You have no idea how much fun blogging is for me. I just need to find the time to do it. And I will. Even if I have to put in The Lorax for an hour to do it…


Also, I have been working on a new post (Besides this one of course) It’s Luca’s birth story. I know, weird, I’m writing it an entire year later. But, again, just like every other mom out there, the story of how my son came into this world is so special to me. I never ever ever want to forget it. As simple as it is, I think it’s just so beautiful and I hope everyone who ends up reading it can be uplifted and encouraged. God truly taught me about patience and I learned more than ever that no matter how much I try to plan every little detail of my life, HE is in control and His plan for my life is perfect!

It is still a work in progress and I’m hoping to have it done by Luca’s birthday.

So, until then <3