
Friday, January 12, 2018

Pregnancy, So Far

Well, it's 2018.. And guys, and I’m having a baby this year! How I’m 5 months through this pregnancy already, is beyond me. I know everyone says your second pregnancy flies by and I can say for the most part that has held true. But thinking about waiting another 18 weeks to meet our sweet baby feels like a lifetime away.
I’m just trying to love and embrace each and every moment this time around. Each week I carry this baby is such a gift and as hard as this pregnancy has been on my body I’m just choosing to be thankful for all of it. Every day, every symptom. The good, the bad, the ugly. This baby was wanted, prayed for, and hoped for, for a while. So I know now, more than ever, that pregnancy is not something to take for granted. I’m so blessed to be able to experience this again.
With Luca’s pregnancy, all I looked to was the end result. From the moment I found out I was pregnant it was just a countdown to the day I would hold him in my arms. Not saying I’m not counting down this time around, but I’m trying to live more in the moment. Enjoy being pregnant. Enjoy having this sweet bump, that is popping a whole lot sooner the second time! The first time around, I didn’t have a baby yet obviously, so my heart just yearned for the day that my baby would arrive. I wanted to be a mommy so bad! But this time around, I’ve been through it. I’ve experienced it all. I have a baby already in my arms. So as much as I’m still yearning for the day that I see this sweet baby’s face for the first time, I’m just trying to enjoy and embrace this pregnancy as much as I possibly can. Because I know now, I’m going to miss it. In half a year’s time, I’ll be holding this baby in my arms looking at bump shots on my phone and a part of me will want this back.
So I’m trying to document and take all the pictures I can. And sure, I’m smiling in every picture I post, but if I’m being completely honest, this pregnancy has really been a tough one. With Luca, other than some nausea for a month at the beginning and bad heartburn at the end, I seriously barely felt pregnant the whole time in between. I know now, I had it good. I was spoiled. This baby, has not been so nice to me, thus far…Between that same pregnancy nausea that lasted  from week 5 until about 2 weeks ago, 2 stomach flus, and approximately 4 colds, my body has been through the ringer since I found out I was pregnant in September. I lost 10 pounds, that I really didn’t have to lose in the first place, and I just finally completely gained them all back as of 3 days ago. And amidst all this sickness, John has been travelling what feels like non-stop and I’ve been home alone with my two year old just craving one morning of sleeping past 6:30am.
But, enough with the negatives… like I said earlier, I’m blessed. Were those last few months hard? Yes, very. But they just put me one step closer to having this baby. And sure, I might have diminished a bit, physically, but as of our last ultrasound, this baby is still growing perfectly on track.(Even though most of my nutrition the past few months has been strictly from Starbucks refreshers.)
I’ve been feeling kicks for about a month now, and my goodness are they strong already! This baby is a mover that’s for sure. Every ultrasound, my doctor struggles to get good images because this baby just won’t lay still. Makes me think we might be having another crazy little boy, even though everyone else is just convinced I’m having a girl. And no, I do not have a preference for those who have asked me already, and for those wondering! I will be absolutely thrilled either way! We have names picked out already, which is a new record for us. John and I are on completely different wavelengths when it comes to names, but for some reason this time they just clicked and I’m in love with them both. Gosh, I can’t wait to see who this little person is. See you in May, little one <3