
Thursday, July 14, 2016

Luca at 9 Months

Bad me... I'm writing Luca's update 2 days late this time. I know it's no big deal, but OCD me MUST do it on the 12th and now that I'm not I feel like a failure! But the truth is, life has been crazy and I just haven't had a moment to stop and write lately. I'm lucky I got his pictures taken on the actual day, but I'm almost regretting that decision, because it was the hottest, muggiest day ever and we both got bit by mosquitos... I'm already planning on doing his 10 month photos indoors unless it so happens to be a perfect 70 degree day, but were talking August soooo probably not.

So, Luca is now 9 months old! He's as mobile as ever and can crawl across the house in the blink of an eye. Hence, I'm writing this while he's taking a nap because when he's awake I can forget about accomplishing ANYTHING! John has actually come home from work a couple times and been like "Wow, you vaccumed!" It's sad that is an accomplishment at this point in my life... But for real, if I can vaccum, or cook a decent dinner I feel on top of the world! Because trying to get anything done with a crawling baby, who eats everything, and loves electrical sockets, and thinks climbing our hardwood stairs is the coolest thing since sliced bread, is literally impossible! So props to all you moms who have 10 kids and manage to clean, cook, and keep up with the laundry... You're my hero.

Unlike last month, where I felt like I was writing in Luca's baby calendar every day because he was doing something new, this month was pretty low key. Basically everything he learned how to do last month he just got better and quicker at this month. He can stand for a few seconds on his own now and took 1 step a couple weeks ago, but I'm not counting that as walking... that was just random luck on his part I think.

His eating schedule changed a lot this month. He is only nursing 3 times a day (and he's actually doing better with it! For a couple weeks there I thought we might be done already, but I think that just had something to do with teething.) He is now eating breakfast, lunch and dinner. John and I try to include him at dinner time now. We put him in his high chair and give him some puffs or a taste of whatever were eating. It's so much fun being able to eat together as a family! Luca started eating meats this month. Only chicken and turkey blended up... nastiest stuff ever, but he likes it. Were also still working on drinking juice and water. For some reason he just hates it and will only drink milk! Everyday I try putting the bottle in his mouth with the juice and once he gets one drop in his mouth he flings his head to the side and wants nothing to do with it... His favorite foods are puffs, and puffs, and umm, puffs. Those things, I swear he could sit in his high chair all day and never stop eating them. He does not like, well juice and water and real bananas... Strangest thing! He loves the gerber bananas, but I've tried multiple times giving him pieces of real banana... nope!

He still only has 2 teeth... I thought for sure his top 2 were coming in for a few days there, but I was el wrongo. This month, Luca also started waking up with the sun... It was June. Longest days of the year, meant I'm waking up at 5-5:30 in the morning. Not cool. Separation anxiety is still a big issue for us. It started around 4/5 months and has not gotten better! This kid does not like being away from his mommy unless he's with daddy or grandma. It's bad! Just yesterday he finally stayed in the nursery at the ice rink so I could work, for an entire hour! (but I'm not counting that for his 9 month update, because that was after the 12th ;) ) So I can see the light, but man it has been a rough road! *A special thank you to all the nursery workers who have had to listen to him cry for hours!

I think that about covers Luca's 9th month. As much as I jokingly complain about him being mobile and my life being over, I still absolutely love this stage. Seeing his personality come through more and more each day is so much fun! He is such an inquisitive baby, always analyzing everything, but at the same time he's a complete daredevil (that's John's fault, definitely not mine). This month I also started noticing how loving he is. He already gives me hugs and started giving kisses. And even though he is becoming more independent, he still has moments where he crawls up my leg and cuddles right into me. He's so tender and loving about it and when he does that I cannot help but feel like I'm in heaven. He is my heaven.


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