
Monday, July 4, 2016

Our Baby Free, Used Furniture, Target Accessorized Bedroom

Well, it's official. The house has been baby proofed. We're down to the bare essentials. Couch, coffee table, end table, TV, TV stand, kitchen table, oh and a book shelf that only has books on the top shelf because, well you know... It is attractive, let me tell you. At least I get to keep my cute rug, because, hardwood floors... not the best place for a baby to learn to crawl! I waited as long as I possibly could to get rid of my vases, and flowers, and pictures, and trays, and every other home accessory that made its way into my cart while shopping at Target...

"John, I'm just running to Target quick to get diapers" #oops

I went to school for interior design. So needless to say having my house look like a barren wasteland covered in baby toys and dog hair was literally killing me.

One room. I needed one room amidst the baby mania.

Hello bedroom makeover.

Flowers, pictures, frames, pillows, clocks, vases, basically every accessory I couldn't have out anymore made its way into my bedroom.

This room is by no means magazine material. Every piece of furniture is used, including our bed frame. (Thanks mom and dad!) But houses are expensive, and the deal was if I wanted a nice house I would have to go without buying nice furniture for awhile. Of course I took the deal, but every so often John gets to hear me whine about that cute couch I want from Ikea or the fact that we don't even have matching nightstands. But I get over it pretty quickly and just remind myself that I'm blessed. I have a roof over my head and that's what matters.

So here is designer me using things I already have to try to make my bedroom the one place in my home that is not completely centered around my kid...

Below I will explain how and/or where I acquired each accessory and piece of furniture. You can read if you want, or if you don't care you can just look at the pictures.

Bed frame: My parent's attic
Side table: My parent's house, but I believe it's originally from an antique shop. (Can you sense a theme already. Thanks mommy ;)
Bedding: Not used and from Pottery Barn. But, only because I worked there and got a 40% employee discount. That throw is my absolute favorite! I love the texture of it and it's super warm! I was so proud when I found this in the back of the basement at Pottery Barn. Originally $130!! It was on sale plus I got my discount... So I got it for 30 bucks! And now Elsie has taken a liking to it and we lay it on the floor for her to sleep on every night... #spoiled

Lamp: Goodwill
Lampshade: Target
And of course I have to wake up every morning to my precious 3 week old baby Luca <3

Frames: When we lived in our last apartment I wanted to do a wedding picture wall, but then I got pregnant and lazy and never finished it. So I had a bunch of these frames in a box in our basement. So hello frames for my bare bedroom wall! The far left and right are our wedding vows that John and I hand wrote on cardstock. So simple to do and now something I will cherish forever! I filled the other frames with wedding pictures, our wedding invitation, and of course a picture with Luca at the hospital!
Clock: Found it in the basement. A random Target purchase.
"G": Was on the end table in our family room... Target 
Flowers: Originally in the family room... Target
Vase: Sister's wedding
Nightstand: Made by my talented husband when he was in high school. I forgot to get a good picture of it, but it's what the flowers are standing on!

This. Chair. *insert heart eyes emoji* From my grandma. It's a Scandinavian design and is something my inner designer has been eyeing for years! She no longer has room for it, and was kind enough to let me have it. Thank you grandma!! I'm in love. It has been sitting in my empty living room, because I figured that's where I would eventually use it. But, light bulb moment! Why leave it in a room that I'm not using when it just so happens to go perfectly in my bedroom!? And now I can stare at it everyday.
Pillow: From Luca's room... oops. Sorry kid, but you won't remember that your rocking chair no longer has a pillow on it. Originally a Target purchase.

Dresser: Originally garage sale. Then used in my childhood bedroom. It was white. Then I painted the nobs black...? (That was also when I painted my bedroom walls orange... I had a brave and kind mother!) When we moved to this house John so kindly refinished it and we bought new knobs. He's a keeper.
Picture: From my grandma's basement.
Vase and flowers: From my sister's wedding reception
Laundry Basket: Target (Can you guess my favorite store yet?)

Another view of my dresser.

So there's the tour!
*John also has a dresser that was his childhood dresser which he refinished to look like mine... But the top of it is usually covered with random stuff that comes from I don't know where. And no matter how many times I move all this "stuff" it always has a way of coming back!

In the end, (if you're still reading), I am very proud of my used furniture, random Target accessory filled bedroom. This is now my safe haven. The place I go when the rest of the house is covered in baby everything.

So, thank you family members and Target for my beautiful bedroom ;)

1 comment:

  1. I think your bedroom turned out very pretty. Love the gallery wall. I think I have a million pins on Pinterest with gallery walls but it always seems a little too intimidating to me so I basically have all these pictures in the box that I want to put up somewhere, lol. As for the used furniture, I think we can all relate to that. There's no shame in making over a piece of furniture. I do that a lot too! I found a lot of great deals on Craigslist as well.
