
Tuesday, October 11, 2016

Luca's Birth Story: Part II

Part II of III. Yes it's wordy, yes it's long, and probably way to detailed. But how can it not be when you're documenting the precious story of how your child entered this world...
"I have prayed for this child, and the Lord has granted me what I asked of him." 1 Samuel 1:27
Photo by: Today Everlasting Photography

So there I was… 39 ½ weeks pregnant. Hormonal. Exhausted… (Because for the last month I had not gotten more than 3 hours of straight sleep due to a huge baby whose huge head was sitting directly on my bladder and I, just like I’m sure every other pregnant woman out there, had HORRIBLE heartburn that kept my up at night.) So let’s just say I was not in the state of mind to be making such a huge decision.

I felt like I had a little angel and a little devil on each shoulder. You know, like you see in the movies? One was telling me, “You’re tired, you’re done, just have a C-Section tonight and be done with it! You want to meet this baby don’t you!?” The other, “You are strong. It’s only 1 week out of your whole life. The baby is not ready to come yet. Give it time. Be patient.”

I was literally sweating. Upset. Anxious.  

I looked at John with the most pitiful look I could muster, but I could tell he wanted me to wait.

I did Not want to.

But I did.

Eyes watering, I walked out of the Ultra-sound room. I went to the front desk and made an appointment a week from then… October 12th. Are you kidding me? I was supposed to have this baby days ago and here I am making an appointment for mid October!

*Side note: I forgot to mention earlier that my initial due date according to my cycle was September 29th. But after our first early scan at 8 weeks, my Dr. told me the baby was measuring at 6 ½ weeks and changed my due date to October 9th. So keep in mind during all of this that I actually felt like I was 41 weeks pregnant. I know were talking days here, but to a pregnant lady a week and a half is a long time!

I almost felt embarrassed. Why was my body not doing what it was supposed to!? Why…

John and I got in the car and I broke down in tears. And they did not stop. We stopped by my parent’s on the way home and I remember feeling angry as we walked through their door.

“He (The dr.) is making me wait. I have to wait a whole ‘nother week!” I told my mom and then plopped down in the living room and I cried and cried and cried…

Thinking back, it’s kind of embarrassing how I acted. Ok.. A lot embarrassing! But I was upset. For the past month I was told I was going to have this baby early and here it was, October 5th, almost my due date and my body was acting like I wasn’t even close..

I don’t even remember getting up from that chair. I must have eventually. We went home and I think I just went to bed.

I woke up the next morning, still upset, but in a much more rational state of mind. Any other time in my life I would be loving this. I had a week, A WHOLE WEEK of nothing to do. I wasn’t working anymore. I had no responsibilities other than keep the house in order and get ready for a baby. I can do this. But it felt like torture…

So I kept myself as busy as I could. Fixing up the nursery, visiting my family, sleeping, watching every daily talk show known to man, cuddling with my dog… Rough life..

But in my mind, it was. All I could keep thinking about was the fact that I was basically sitting there, waiting to have a C-Section, when I could have had one days ago and be holding my baby right then and there.

I can so vividly remember going to church on the 11th … Two days after my due date. Everyone asking me, “Why are you still here?” “Where’s the baby?” Again, I felt embarrassed, and horrible me didn’t even want to go to church that morning because I knew I would get asked those questions over and over. Not okay…

This is the point in the story where it is so evident that I am a sinner in need of God’s grace. And deep down I knew how I was feeling was wrong, but I didn’t even care. I just wanted my baby and I wanted him or her now!

John and I came home from church and decided to have a relaxing day. My appointment was at 11 o’clock the next morning and it was almost a guarantee that we would be going to the hospital soon after that.   So we just wanted to spend time with each other, resting and preparing for the crazy, exciting days ahead of us!

Around 8:00 pm we decided to put in a movie. We had been re-watching the Bourne movies and were on the last one, The Bourne Ultimatum. John and I have a joke about this movie… I’ve watched it multiple times and I have seen the entire movie, but never straight through. I always fall asleep at some point and a couple times I’ve woken up to see the end. Just something about that movie, I cannot make it through…. And to this day that still holds true…

Well, at about 9:00 o’clock I went to the bathroom… woohoo, made it a whole hour! While I was in the bathroom I noticed some spotting… My. Heart. Dropped. Was this a labor sign? I had read it could be. Oh please, oh please, oh please. I went back to the couch, told John, and kept on watching the movie… That’s when they started. I was getting what felt like nothing more than period cramps. They would last for less than a minute and go away. Then come back 10 or so minutes later… Were these contractions!? I had no idea what to expect them to feel like. Like I said earlier, I had only experienced a couple what I think were Braxton Hicks Contractions earlier in my pregnancy. And those didn’t hurt, it just felt like my entire stomach was tight and hard like a rock.

After I experienced a few of these “cramps” I told John I was going to go upstairs and lay on our bed. He was like “Ok..” And continued to watch the movie while drinking his cocktail he made for himself, so that he would get a good night’s sleep that night to prepare him for the next day… HA! HA! HA!

So there I laid. I-phone in hand, timing these, what I hoped with all my heart were contractions. I still have the note in my phone..

10:33 (small)

They were close right from the get-go! Not as painful as I expected, but it was early. So I was questioning myself. Is this real? Am I just overreacting? “John!?! What should I do!?!”

We decided it would be best to call the nurse. So around 11:00pm I did. I explained everything to her and to my surprise she said we should head right to the hospital! What!?!?!

It was the end of the day. My hair looked like crap, my make-up was half gone. I wasn’t ready for this!

Just like a week ago, I had it all planned. I was going to get up, shower (shave my legs, haha) curl my hair perfect so it would look good for a couple days, do my make-up… Can you tell I was way too worried about the non-essentials. Always planning, planning, planning, but my Creator had a different plan… And that was… You’re having a baby right now. Get in the car. It’s time to go!

So I re-did my make-up as fast as I could, while John packed himself up. Not my best work of art in the world! Also, all that planning and packing bags ahead of time, and we forgot to pack a bag for John… hence he was mad dash packing!! Learned that lesson for the next time around… He barely had anything at the hospital for himself…

And just like that we were in the car, on the way to the hospital, to have OUR BABY! I still couldn’t believe it. I kept second guessing it. Trying not to get my hopes up. But it was real. I was in labor. I was going to meet my baby very very soon…

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