
Thursday, May 12, 2016

Luca at 7 Months

Luca John is officially 7 months old. And oh boy, if we thought the day he turned 6 months was rough, we were el wrongo! His 7 month birthday really couldn't get much worse.. my poor little boy.

Where to start? Well 2 days ago he was diagnosed with Roseola and has had as high as a 102 temperature. His temp today is much lower, but now we're just waiting for the lovely rash. On top of that, his first tooth is finally popping through and I can tell the other one is soon to follow. We have been downing infant Tylenol every 4 hours on the dot. He was up about 15 times last night (that's an approximation because I stopped counting after number 5)! So he's ready to lose it at any given moment if I'm not holding him or feeding him. So needless to say, mommy went through the Starbucks drive thru today and got a Trenta... Yes please!

As rough as it's been, when Luca was born I swore to myself that every month on the 12th I would take his picture. I wanted so bad to just wait until we had a slightly better day, but I knew someday, as awful as it is now, I will want to remember this moment. So we went outside, because the gloomy weather perfectly reflected our feelings about today, and we snapped a few pictures. I think there's one where he's smiling, and another where he's half smiling. The rest he's either looking away from me or sucking his lip. But we did it! And I'm happy we did.

The one smiling picture...
This face perfectly reflects him at 7 months.. tongue always half out of his mouth...
Cutest half smile around...
 If he could say words... "Mom, I feel like crap! Stop taking my picture!"
Because I absolutely love his sweater with the ears... (from my favorite store, Baby Gap)
Last picture, because he just got too tired of sitting and fell over.
On a positive note. This past month Luca has grown up so much! He sits solid. He has gotten on his knees a few times like he's getting ready to crawl. He can scoot on his tummy a little and spin completely around in a circle. He blows bubbles. He is learning to clap. He absolutely loves playing peek-a-boo, being thrown in the air, being in his stroller, swinging, bananas, sweet potatoes, and when anyone gives him attention. He hates being alone, squash, and taking medicine.
Luca, I love you sweet boy! I can't wait to see what this next month has in store! Here's to hoping your 8 month birthday is a little better. Pleeease, momma needs a break!


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